8.5. Sequence-To-Sequence, Attention, Transformer¶
8.5.1. Sequence-To-Sequence¶
In the context of Machine Learning a sequence is an ordered data structure, whose successive elements are somehow correlated.
Univariate Time Series Data:
Average daily temperature over a certain period of time
Stock prise of a company
Playlist: Sequence of songs
Multivariate Time Series Data:
For a specific product in an online-shop: Daily number of clicks, number of purchases, number of ratings, number of returns
Natural Language: The words in a sentence, section, article, …
Image: Sequence of pixels
Video: Sequence of frames

Fig. 8.1 Understand by integration of contextual information.¶
The crucial property of sequences is the correlation between the individual datapoints. This means that for each element (datapoint) of the sequence, information is not only provided by it’s individual feature-vector, but also by the neighboring datapoints. For each element of the sequence, the neighboring elements are called context and we can understand an individual element by taking in account
its feature vector
the contextual information, provided by the neighbours
For this type of sequential data, Machine Learning algorithms should learn models, which regard not only individual feature vectors, but also contextual information. For example Recurrent Networks (RNN) are capable to do so. In this section more complex ML architectures, suitable for sequential data will be described. Some of these architectures integrate RNNs. More recent architectures, Transformers, model the correlations within sequences not by RNNs but by Attention. Both, Attention and the integration of Attention in Transformers will be described in this section.
As already mentioned in section Recurrent Networks (RNN), ML algorithms, which take sequential data at their input, either output one element per sequence (many-to-one) or a sequence of elements (many-to-many). The latter is the same as Sequence-To-Sequence learning.
Sequence-To-Sequence (Seq2Seq) models ([CvMG+14], [SVL14]) map
input sequences \(\mathbf{x}=(x_1,x_2,\ldots x_{T_x})\)
to output sequences \(\mathbf{y}=(y_1,y_2,\ldots y_{T_y})\)
The lengths of input- and output sequence need not be the same.
Applications of Seq2Seq models are e.g. Language Models (LM) of Machine Translation. Simple Architecture for aligned Sequences¶
The simplest architecture for a Sequence-To-Sequence consists of an input layer, an RNN layer and a Dense layer (with a softmax activation). Such an architecture is depicted in the time-unfolded representation in figure Simple architecture for aligned sequences.
The hidden states \(h_i\) are calculated by
where the function \(f()\) is realized by a Vanilla RNN, LSTM, GRU. The Dense layer at the output realizes the function
If the Dense layer at the output has a softmax-activation, and the architecture is trained to predict the next token in the sequence, the output at each time step \(t\) is the conditional distribution
In this way a language model can be implemented. Language models allow to predict a target word from the context words (neighbouring words).

Fig. 8.2 Simple Seq2Seq architecture for alligned input- and output sequence. The input-sequence is processed (green) by a Recurrent Neural layer (Vanilla RNN, LSTM, GRU, etc.) and the hidden states (blue) at the output of the Recurrent layer are passed to a dense layer with softmax-activation. The output sequence (red) is alligned to the input sequence in the sense that each \(y_i\) corresponds to \(x_i\). This also implies that both sequences have the same length.¶ Encoder-Decoder Architectures¶
In an Encoder-Decoder architecture, the Encoder maps the input sequence \(\mathbf{x}=(x_1,x_2,\ldots x_{T_x})\) to an intermediate representation, also called context vector, \(\mathbf{c}\). The entire information of the sequences is compressed in this vector. The context vector is applied as input to the Decoder, which outputs a sequence \(\mathbf{y}=(y_1,y_2,\ldots y_{T_y})\). With this architecture the input- and output-sequence need not be alligned.
There exists a phletora of different Seq2Seq Encoder-Decoder architectures. Here, we first refer to one of the first architectures, introduced by Cho et al in [CvMG+14].
As depicted in image Seq2Seq-Encoder-Decoder, the encoder processes the input sequence and compresses the information into a fixed-length context vector c. For example if the input-sequence are the words of a sentence, the context vector is also called sentence embedding. In general the context-vector is calculated by
where the function \(f()\) is realized by a Vanilla RNN, LSTM, GRU, etc.
The Decoder is trained to predict the next word \(y_i\), given the
context vector \(\textbf{c}\)
the previous predicted word \(y_{i-1}\).
the hidden state \(h_{d,i}\) of the decoder at time \(i\),
The hidden state of the decoder at time \(i\) is calculated by
where the functions \(g()\) and \(k()\) are realized by Vanilla RNN, LSTM, GRU, etc. Since \(g()\) must output a probability distribution, it shall apply softmax-activation.
This Seq2Seq-Encoder-Decoder architecture has been proposed for Machine Translation. In this application a single sentence of the source language is the input sequence and the corresponding sentence in the target language is the output sequence. Translation can either be done on character or on word level. On character-level the elements of the sequences are characters, on word-level the sequence elements are words. Here, we assume translation on word-level.
Training the Encoder-Decoder architecture for machine translation:
Training data consists of \(N\) pairs \(T=\lbrace(\mathbf{x}^{(j)}, \mathbf{y}^{(j)}) \rbrace_{j=1}^N\) of sentences in the source language \(\mathbf{x}^{(j)}\) and the true translation into the target language \(\mathbf{y}^{(j)}\).
Encoder: Input sentence in source language \(\mathbf{x}^{(j)}\) to the Encoder. The sentence is a sequence of words. Words are represented by their word-embedding vectors.
Encoder: For the current sentence at the Encoder calculate the context-vector \(\mathbf{c}\)
Set \(i:=1, \hat{y}_0=START, h_{d,0}=0\)
For all words \({y}_i^{(j)}\) of the target sentence:
Calculate the hidden state \(h_{d,i}\) from \(c,h_{d,i-1}\) and \(y_{i-1}^{(j)}\)
Calculate Decoder output \(\hat{y}_{i}^{(j)}=g(y_{i-1}^{(j)},h_{d,i},c)\)
Compare output \(\hat{y}_{i}^{(j)}\) with the known target word \(y_{i}^{(j)}\)
Apply the error between known target word \(y_{i}^{(j)}\) and output of the decoder \(\hat{y}_{i}^{(j)}\) in order to calculate weight-adaptations in Encoder and Decoder
Inference (Apply trained architecture for translation):
Encoder: Input the sentence that shall be translated \(\mathbf{x}\) to the Encoder.
Encoder: Calculate the context-vector \(\mathbf{c}\) for the current sentence
Set \(i:=1, \hat{y}_0=START, h_{d,0}=0\)
Until Decoder output is EOS:
Calculate the hidden state \(h_{d,i}\) from \(c,h_{d,i-1}\) and \(\hat{y}_{i-1}\)
Calculate i.th translated word \(\hat{y}_{i}=g(\hat{y}_{i-1},h_{d,i},c)\)
Drawbacks of Seq2Seq Encoder-Decoder: The Decoder estimates one word after another and applies the estimated word at time \(i\) as an input for estimating the next word at time \(i+1\). As soon as one estimate is wrong, the successive step perceives an erroneous input, which may cause the next erroneous output and so on. Such error-propagations can not be avoided in this type of Seq2Seq Encoder-Decoder architectures. Moreover, for long sequences, the single fixed length context vextor c encodes information from the last part of the sequence quite well, but may have forgotten information from the early parts.
These drawbacks motivated the concept of Attention.
8.5.2. Attention¶ Concept of Attention¶
Attention is a well known concept in human recognition. Given a new input, the human brain focuses on a essential region, which is scanned with high resolution. After scanning this region, other relevant regions are inferred and scanned. In this way fast recognition without scanning the entire input in detail can be realized. Examples of attention in visual recognition and in reading are given in the images below.

Fig. 8.4 Attention in visual recognition: In this example attention is first focused on the mouth. With this first perception alone the object can not be recognized. Then attention is focused on something around the mouth. After seeing the ears the object can be recognized to be a horse.¶

Fig. 8.5 Attention in reading: When we read horse, we expect to encounter a verb, which is associated to horse. When we read jumped, we expect to encounter a word, which is associated to horse and jumped. When we read hurt, we expect to encounter a word, which is associated to jumped and hurt.¶ Attention in Neural Networks¶
In Neural Networks the concept of attention has been introduced in [BCB15]. The main goal was to solve the drawback of Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs), to be weak in learning long-term-dependencies in sequences. Even though LSTMs or GRUs are better than Vanilla RNNs in this point, they still suffer from the fact that the calculated hidden-state (the compact sequence representation) contains more information from the last few inputs, than from inputs from far behind.
In attention layers the hidden states of all time-steps have an equal chance to contribute to the representation of the entire sequence. The relevance of the individual elements for the entire sequence-representation is learned.

Fig. 8.6 Attention layer on top of a unidirectional (top) and unidirectional (bottom) RNN, respectively. For each time-step a context vector \(c(i)\) is calculated as a linear combination of all inputs over the entire sequence.¶
As sketched in the image above, in an attention layer, for each time-step a context vector \(c(i)\) is calculated as a linear combination of all inputs over the entire sequence. The coefficients of the linear combination, \(a_{i,j}\) are learned from training data. In contrast to usual weights \(w_{i,j}\) in a neural network, these coefficients vary with the current input. A high value of \(a_{i,j}\) means that for calculating the \(i.th\) context vector \(c(i)\), in the current input the \(j.th\) element is important - or attention is focused on the j.th input.
An Attention layer can be integrated into a Seq2Seq-Encoder-Decoder architecture as sketched in the image below. Of course, there are many other ways to embed attention layers in Neural Networks, but here we first focus on the sketched architecture.

Fig. 8.7 Attention layer in an Seq2Seq-Encoder-Decoder, applicable e.g. for language modelling or machine translation.¶
In an architecture like depicted above, the Decoder is trained to predict the probability-distribution for the next word \(y_i\), given the context vector \(c_i\) and all the previously predicted words \(\lbrace y_1,\ldots,y_{i-1}\rbrace\):
The context vector \(c_i\) is
where the concatenated hidden state of the bi-directional LSTM is
The learned coefficients \(a_{i,j}\) describe how well the two tokens (words) \(x_j\) and \(y_i\) are aligned.
is an alignment model, which scores how well the inputs around position \(j\) and the output at position \(i\) match.
The scoring function \(a()\) can be realized in different ways 1. E.g. it can just be the scalar product
Another approach is to implement the scoring function as a MLP, which is jointly trained with all other parameters of the network. This approach is depicted in the image below. Note that the image refers to an architecture, where the Attention layer is embedded into a simple Feed-Forward Neural Network. However, this type of scoring can also be applied in the context of a Seq2Seq-Encoder-Decoder architecture. In order to calculate coefficient \(a_j\), the j.th input \(h_j\) is passed to the input of the MLP. The output \(e_j\) is then passed to a softmax activation function:
8.5.3. Transformer¶ Motivation¶
Deep Learning needs huge amounts of training data and correspondingly high processing effort for training. In order to cope with this processing complexity, GPUs/TPUs must be applied. However, GPUs and TPUs yield higher training speed, if operations can be parallelized. The drawback of RNNs (of any type) is that the recurrent connections can not be parallelized. Transformers [VSP+17] exploit only Self-Attention, without recurrent connections. So they they can be trained efficiently on GPUs. In this section first the concept of Self-Attention is described. Then Transformer architectures are presented. Self Attention¶
As described above, in the Attention Layer }
is an alignment model, which scores how well the input-sequence around position \(j\) and the output-sequence at position \(i\) match. Now in Self-Attention
scores the match of different positions \(j\) and \(i\) of the sequence at the input. In the image below the calculation of the outputs \(y_i\) in a Self-Attention layer is depicted. Here,
\(x_i * x_j\) is the scalar product of the two vectors.
\(x_i\) and \(x_j\) are learned such, that their scalar product yields a high value, if the output strongly depends on their correlation.

Fig. 8.9 Calculation of \(y_1\).¶

Fig. 8.10 Calculation of Self-Attention outputs \(y_1\) (top) and \(y_2\) (bottom), respectively.¶ Contextual Embeddings¶
What is the meaning of the outputs of a Self-Attention layer? To answer this question, we focus on applications, where the inputs to the network \(x_i\) are sequences of words. In this case, words are commonly represented by their embedding vectors (e.g. Word2Vec, Glove, Fasttext, etc.). The drawback of Word Embeddings is that they are context free. E.g. the word tree has an unique word embedding, independent of the context (tree as natural object or tree as a special type of graph). On the other hand, the elements \(y_i\) of the Self-Attention-Layer output \(\mathbf{y}=(y_1,y_2,\ldots y_{T})\) can be considerd to be contextual word embeddings! The representation \(y_i\) is a contextual embedding of the input word \(x_i\) in the given context. Queries, Keys and Values¶
As depicted in figure Self-Attention, each input vector \(x_i\) is used in 3 different roles in the Self Attention operation:
Query: It is compared to every other vector to establish the weights for its own output \(y_i\)
Key: It is compared to every other vector to establish the weights for the output of the j-th vector \(y_j\)
Value: It is used as part of the weighted sum to compute each output vector once the weights have been established.
In a Self-Attention Layer, for each of these 3 roles, a separate version of \(x_i\) is learned:
the Query vector is obtained by multiplying input vector \(x_i\) with the learnable matrix \(W_q\):
the Key vector is obtained by multiplying input vector \(x_i\) with the learnable matrix \(W_k\):
the Value vector is obtained by multiplying input vector \(x_i\) with the learnable matrix \(W_v\):
Applying these three representations the outputs \(y_i\) are calculated as follows:
The image below visualizes this calculation:

Fig. 8.11 Calculation of Self-Attention outputs \(y_1\) from queries, keys and values of the input-sequence¶
In the calculation, defined in (8.1), the problem is that the softmax-function is sensitive to large input values in the sense that for large inputs most of the softmax outputs are close to 0 and the corresponding gradients are also very small. The effect is very slow learning adaptations. In order to circumvent this, the inputs to the softmax are normalized: Multi-Head Attention and Positional Encoding¶
A drawback of the approach as introduced so far, is that the input-tokens are processed as unordered set, i.e. order-information is ignored. This implies that for any pair of input-tokens \(x_i, x_j\) query \(q\) and key \(k\) and thus their correlation-score \(a_{i,j}\) is the same. However, in some contexts their correlation can be strong, whereas in others it may be weak. Moreover, the output \(y_{passed}\) for the input Bob passed the ball to Tim would be the same as the output \(y_{passed}\) for the input Tim passed the ball to Bob. These problems can be circumvented by Multi-Head-Attention and Positional Encoding.
Multi-Headed Self-Attention provides an additional degree of freedom in the sense, that multiple (query,key,value) triples for each pair of positions \((i,j)\) can be learned. For each position \(i\), multiple \(y_i\) are calculated, by applying the attention mechanism, as introduced above, \(h\) times in parallel. Each of the \(h\) elements is called an attention head. Each attention head applies its own matrices \(W_q^r, W_k^r, W_v^r\) for calculating individual queries \(q^r\), keys \(k^r\) and values \(v^r\), which are combined to the output:
The length of the input vectors \(x_i\) is typically \(d=256\). A typical number of heads is \(h=8\). For combining outputs of the \(h\) heads to the overall output-vector \(\mathbf{y}^r\), there exists 2 different options:
Option 1:
Cut vectors \(x_i\) in \(h\) parts, each of size \(d_s\)
Each of these parts is fed to one head
Concatenation of \(y_i^1,\ldots,y_i^h\) yields \(y_i\) of size \(d\)
Multiply this concatenation with matrix \(W_O\), which is typically of size \(d \times d\)
Option 2:
Fed entire vector \(x_i\) to each head.
Matrices \(W_q, W_k,W_v\) are each of size \(d \times d\) (each head has it’s own matrix-set)
Concatenation of \(y_i^1,\ldots,y_i^h\) yields \(y_i\) of size \(d \cdot h\)
Multiply this concatenation with matrix \(W_O\), which is typically of size \(d \times (d \cdot h)\)

Fig. 8.12 Single-Head Self-Attention: Calculation of first element \(y_1\) in output sequence.¶

Fig. 8.13 Multi-Head Self-Attention: Combination of the individual heads to the overall output.¶
Positional Encoding: In order to embed information to distinguish different locations of a word within a sequence, a positonal-encoding-vector is added to the word-embedding vector \(x_i\). Certainly, each position \(i\) has it’s own positional encoding vector.

Fig. 8.14 Add location-specific positional encoding vector to word-embedding vector \(x_i\). Image source: http://jalammar.github.io/illustrated-transformer¶
The vectors for positional encoding are designed such that the similiarity of two vectors decreases with increasing distance between the positions of the tokens to which they are added. This is illustrated in the image below:

Fig. 8.15 Positional Encoding: To each position within the sequence a unique positional-encoding-vector is assigned. As can be seen the euclidean distance between vectors for further away positions is larger than the distance between vectors, which belong to positions close to each other. http://jalammar.github.io/illustrated-transformer¶
For the two-word example sentence Thinking Machines and for the case of a single head, the calculations done in the Self-Attention block, as specified in Image Singlehead Self-attention, are sketched in the image below. In this example postional encoding has been omitted for sake of simplicity.

Fig. 8.16 Example: Singlehead Self-Attention for the two-words sequence Thinking Machines . Image source: http://jalammar.github.io/illustrated-transformer¶
Instead of calculating the outputs \(z_i\)s of a single head individually all of them can be calculated simultanously by matrix multiplication:

Fig. 8.17 Calculating all Self-Attention outputs \(z_i\) by matrix-multiplication (Single head). Image source: http://jalammar.github.io/illustrated-transformer¶
And for Multi-Head Self-Attention the overall calculation is as follows:

Fig. 8.18 Calculating all Self-Attention outputs \(z_i\) by matrix-multiplication (Single head). Image source: http://jalammar.github.io/illustrated-transformer¶ Building Transformers from Self-Attention-Layers¶
As depicted in the image below, a Transformer in general consists of an Encoder and an Decoder stack. The Encoder is a stack of Encoder-blocks. The Decoder is a stack of Decoder-blocks. Both, Encoder- and Decoder-blocks are Transformer blocks. In general a Transformer Block is defined to be any architecture, designed to process a connected set of units - such as the tokens in a sequence or the pixels in an image - where the only interaction between units is through self-attention.

Fig. 8.19 Encoder- and Decoder-Stack of a Transformer. Image source: http://jalammar.github.io/illustrated-transformer¶
A typical Encoder block is depicted in the image below. In this image the Self-Attention module is the same as already depicted in Image Multihead Self-attention. The outputs \(z_i\) of the Self-Attention module are exactly the contextual embeddings, which has been denoted by \(y_i\) in Image Multihead Self-attention. Each of the outputs \(z_i\) is passed to a Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP). The outputs of the MLP are the new representations \(r_i\) (one for each input token). These outputs \(r_i\) constitute the inputs \(x_i\) to the next Encoder block.

Fig. 8.20 Encoder Block - simple variant: Self-Attention Layer followed by Feed Forward Network. Image source: http://jalammar.github.io/illustrated-transformer¶
The image above depicts a simle variant of an Encoder block, consisting only of Self-Attention and a Feed Forward Neural Network. A more complex and more practical option is shown in the image below. Here, short-cut connections from the Encoder-block input to the output of the Self-Attention Layer are implemented. The concept of such short-cuts have been introduced and analysed in the context of Resnet ([HZRS15]). Moreover, the sum of the Encoder-block input and the output of the Self-Attention Layer is layer-normalized (see [BKH16]), before it is passed to the Feed Forward Net.

Fig. 8.21 Encoder Block - practical variant: Short-Cut Connections and Layer Normalisation are applied in addition to Self-Attention and Feed Forward Network. Image source: http://jalammar.github.io/illustrated-transformer¶
Image Encoder-Decoder illustrates the modules of the Decoder block and the linking of Encoder and Decoder. As can be seen a Decoder block integrates two types of attention:
Self-Attention in the Decoder: Like the Encoder block, this layer calculates queries, keys and values from the output of the previous layer. However, since Self Attention in the Decoder is only allowed to attend to earlier positions2 in the output sequence future tokens (words) are masked out.
Encoder-Decoder-Attention: Keys and values come from the output of the Encoder stack. Queries come from the output of the previous layer. In this way an alignment between the input- and the output-sequence is modelled.
On the top of all decoder modules a Dense Layer with softmax-activation is applied to calculate the most probable next word. This predicted word is attached to the decoder input sequence for calculating the most probable word in the next time step, which is then again attached to the input in the next time-step …
In the alternative Beam Search not only the most probable word in each time step is predicted, but the most probable B words can be predicted and applied in the input of next time-step. The parameter \(B\) is called Beamsize.

Fig. 8.22 Encoder- and Decoder Stack in a Transformer http://jalammar.github.io/illustrated-transformer¶
In the image below the iterative prediction of the tokens of the target-sequence is illustrated. In iteration \(i=4\) the \(4.th\) target token must be predicted. For this the decoder takes as input the \(i-1=3\) previous estimations and the keys and the values from the Encoder stack.

Fig. 8.23 Prediction of the 4.th target word, given the 3 previously predictions . Image source: http://jalammar.github.io/illustrated-transformer¶
8.5.4. BERT¶
BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) has been introduced in [DCLT19]. BERT is a Transformer. As described above, Transformers often contain an Encoder- and a Decoder-Stack. However, since BERT primarily constitutes a Language Model (LM), it only consists of an Encoder. When it was published in 2019, BERT achieved state-of-the-art or even better performance in 11 NLP tasks, including the GLUE benchmark3. Pre-trained BERT models can be downloaded, e.g. from Google’s Github repo, and easily be adapted and fine-tuned for custom NLP tasks.
BERT’s main innovation is that it defines a Transformer, which bi-directionally learns a Language Model. As sketched in image Comparison with GPT-1 and Elmo, previous Deep Neural Network LM, where either
Forward Autoregressive LM: predicts for a given sequence \(x_1,x_2,... x_k\) of \(k\) words the following word \(x_{k+1}\). Then it predicts from \(x_2,x_3,... x_{k+1}\) the next word \(x_{k+2}\), and so on, or
Backward Autoregressive LM: predicts for a given sequence \(x_{i+1}, x_{i+2},... x_{i+k}\) of \(k\) words the previous word \(x_{i}\). Then it predicts from \(x_{i}, x_{i+1},... x_{i+k-1}\) the previous word \(x_{i-1}\), and so on.
BERT learns bi-directional relations in text, by a training approach, which is known from Denoising Autoencoders: The input to the network is corrupted (in BERT tokens are masked out) and the network is trained such that its output is the original (non-corrupted) input.

Fig. 8.24 Prediction of the 4.th target word, given the 3 previously predictions. Image source: [DCLT19]¶
BERT training is separated into 2 stages: Pre-Training and Fine-Tuning. During Pre-Training, the model is trained on unlabeled data for the tasks Masked Language Model (MLM) and Next Sentence Prediction (NSP). Fine-Tuning starts with the parameters, that have been learned in Pre-Training. There exists different downstream tasks such as Question-Answering, Named-Entity-Recognition or Multi Natural Language Inference, for which BERT’s parameters can be fine-tuned. Depending on the Downstream task, the BERT architecutre must be slightly adapted for Fine-Tuning.

Fig. 8.25 BERT: Pretraining on tasks Masked Language Model and Next Sentence Prediction, followed by task-specific Fine-Tuning. Image source: [DCLT19]¶
In BERT, tokens are not words, but word-pieces. This yields a better out-of-vocabulary-robustness. BERT Pre-Training¶
Masked Language Model (MLM): For this \(15\%\) of the input tokens are masked at random. Since the \([ MASK ]\) token is not known in finetuning not all masked tokens are replaced by this marker. Instead
\(80\%\) of the masked tokens are replaced by \([ MASK ]\)
\(10 \%\) of them are replaced by a random other token.
\(10 \%\) of them remain unchanged. These masked tokens are predicted by passing the final hidden vectors, which belong to the masked tokens to an output softmax over the vocabulary. The Loss function, which is minimized during training, regards only the prediction of the masked values and ignores the predictions of the non-masked words. As a consequence, the model converges slower than directional models, but has increased context awareness.
Next Sentence Prediction (NSP):
For NSP pairs of sentences \((A,B)\) are composed. For about \(50\%\) of these pairs the second sentence \(B\) is a true successive sentence of \(A\). In the remaining \(50\%\) \(B\) is a randomly selected sentence, independent of sentence \(A\). The BERT architecture is trained to estimate if the second sentence at the input is a true successor of \(A\) or not. The pairs of sentences at the input of the BERT-Encoder stack are configured as follows:
A \([CLS]\) token is inserted at the beginning of the first sentence and a \([SEP]\) token is inserted at the end of each sentence.
A sentence embedding indicating Sentence \(A\) or Sentence \(B\) is added to each token. These sentence embeddings are similar in concept to token embeddings with a vocabulary of 2.
A positional embedding is added to each token to indicate its position in the sequence.

Fig. 8.26 Input of sentence pairs to BERT Encoder stack. Segment Embedding is applied to indicate first or second sentence. Image source: [DCLT19]¶
For the NSP task a classifier is trained, which distinguishes successive sentences and non-successive sentences. For this the output of the \([CLS]\) token is passed to a binary classification layer. The purpose of adding such Pre-Training is that many NLP tasks such as Question-Answering (QA) and Natural Language Inference (NLI) need to understand relationships between sentences. BERT Fine-Tuning¶
For each downstream NLP task, task-specific inputs and outputs are applied to fine-tune all parameters end-to-end. For this minor task-specific adaptations at the input- and output of the architecture are required.
Classification tasks such as sentiment analysis are done similarly to NSP, by adding a classification layer on top of the Transformer output for the [CLS] token.
In Question Answering tasks (e.g. SQuAD v1.1), the software receives a question regarding a text sequence and is required to mark the answer in the sequence. The model can be trained by learning two extra vectors that mark the beginning and the end of the answer.
In Named Entity Recognition (NER), the software receives a text sequence and is required to mark the various types of entities (Person, Organization, Date, etc) that appear in the text. The model can be trained by feeding the output vector of each token into a classification layer that predicts the NER label. Contextual Embeddings from BERT¶
Instead of fine-tuning, the pretrained token representations from any level of the BERT-Stack can be applied as contextual word embedding in any NLP task. Which representation is best depends on the concrete task.
- 1
An overview for other scoring functions is provided here.
- 2
The reason for this is that the Decoder caluclates its output (e.g. the translated sentence) iteratievely. In iteration \(i\) the \(i.th\) output of the current sequence (e.g. the i.th translated word) is estimated. The already estimated tokens at positions \(1,2,\ldots, i-1\) are applied as inputs to the Decoder stack in iteration \(i\), i.e. future tokens at positions \(i+1, \ldots\) are not known at this time.
- 3