2.2. TextBlob Stemming and Lemmatization

  • Author: Johannes Maucher

  • Last update: 2021-10-26

In this notebook the application of stemming and lemmatization shall be demonstrated. For this we apply the correponding modules provided by the NLP package TextBlob. Since stemming and lemmatization both require the segmentation of texts into lists of words, segmentation and other preprocessing-functions of TextBlob are also shown. In notebook Regular Expressions it has already been demonstrated how to implement segmentation in Python without additional packages. If you like to go directly to Word Normalisation click here.

TextBlob is a Python library for Natural Language Processing. It provides a simple API for, e.g.

  • Noun phrase extraction

  • Part-of-speech tagging

  • Sentiment analysis

  • Classification

  • Language translation and detection powered by Google Translate

  • Tokenization (splitting text into words and sentences)

  • Word and phrase frequencies

  • Parsing

  • n-grams

  • Word inflection (pluralization and singularization) and lemmatization

  • Spelling correction

  • WordNet integration

#!pip install textblob
import textblob
from textblob import TextBlob

2.2.1. TextBlob objects

TextBlob objects are like Python strings, which have enhanced with typical NLP processing methods. They are generared as follows:

myBlob1=TextBlob("""TextBlob is a Python (2 and 3) library for processing textual data. 
It provides a simple API for diving into common natural language processing (NLP) tasks 
such as part-of-speech tagging, noun phrase extraction, sentiment analysis, classification, 
translation, and more. New York is a nice city.""")
myBlob2=TextBlob(u"Das Haus steht im Tal auf der anderen Seite des Berges. Es gehört Dr. med. Brinkmann und wird von der Immo GmbH aus verwaltet. Im Haus befindet sich u.a. eine Physio-Praxis.")

2.2.2. Language Detection

#print("Blob1 text language is ",myBlob1.detect_language())
#print("Blob2 text language is ",myBlob2.detect_language())

2.2.3. Sentences and Words

The TextBlob class also integrates methods for tokenisation. The corresponding segmentation of the given text into sentences and words can be obtained as follows:

English text:

for s in myBlob1.sentences:
TextBlob is a Python (2 and 3) library for processing textual data.
It provides a simple API for diving into common natural language processing (NLP) tasks 
such as part-of-speech tagging, noun phrase extraction, sentiment analysis, classification, 
translation, and more.
New York is a nice city.
WordList(['New', 'York', 'is', 'a', 'nice', 'city'])

As can be seen in the example above multi-word expressions, like New York are not detected.

German text:

for s in myBlob2.sentences:
Das Haus steht im Tal auf der anderen Seite des Berges.
Es gehört Dr. med.
Brinkmann und wird von der Immo GmbH aus verwaltet.
Im Haus befindet sich u.a.
eine Physio-Praxis.

As can be seen in the example above, segmentation works fine for English texts, but fails for German texts, in particular if the text contains abbreviations, which are not used in English. However, the TextBlob-DE package provides German language support for TextBlob.

2.2.4. Part-of-Speech Tagging

Meaning of POS Tags according to Penn Treebank II tagset.

for word,pos in myBlob1.sentences[0].tags:
    print(word, pos)
TextBlob NNP
is VBZ
a DT
Python NNP
2 CD
and CC
3 CD
library NN
for IN
processing VBG
textual JJ
data NNS

Doesn’t work for German:

for word,pos in myBlob2.sentences[0].tags:
    print(word, pos)
Haus NNP
steht VBD
im JJ
auf NN
der NN
anderen NNS
Seite NNP
des NNS
Berges NNP

2.2.5. Word Normalization

In NLP the term word normalization comprises methods to map different word forms to a unique form. Word normalization reduces complexity and often improves the NLP task. E.g. in document-classification it usually does not matter in which temporal form a verb is written. The mapping of all temporal forms to the base form reduces the number of words in the vocabulary and likely increases the accuracy of the classifier. Singularization

One form of word normalization is to map all words in plural into the corresponding singular form. With textblob this can be realized as follows:

myBlob6=TextBlob("The cars in the streets around Main Square have been observed by policemen")
for word in myBlob6.words:
    print(word, word.singularize())
The The
cars car
in in
the the
streets street
around around
Main Main
Square Square
have have
been been
observed observed
by by
policemen policeman Lemmatization

Lemmatization maps all distinct forms of a word to the baseform. E.g. the wordforms went, gone, going are all mapped to the baseform go:

print(TextBlob("went").words[0].lemmatize("v")) # mode "v" for verb

Lemmatization of adverbs and adjectives:

print(TextBlob("later").words[0].lemmatize("a")) # mode "a" for adverb/adjective

Lemmatizsation of nouns:

print(TextBlob("women").words[0].lemmatize("n")) # mode "n" for noun
myBlob3=TextBlob("The engineer went into the garden and found the cats lying beneath the trees")
for word in myBlob3.words:
    print(word, word.lemmatize("v"))
The The
engineer engineer
went go
into into
the the
garden garden
and and
found find
the the
cats cat
lying lie
beneath beneath
the the
trees tree Stemming

The drawback of lemmatization is its complexity. Some languages have a quite regular structure. This means that the different word-forms can be derived from the baseform by a well defined set of rules. In this case the inverse application of these rules can be applied for determining the baseform. However, languages such as German, have many irregular cases. Lemmatization then requires a dictionary, which lists all different word-forms an their corresponding baseform.

Stemming is simple and less complex alternative to lemmatization. Stemmers map each word to their stem. In contrast to lemmatization the result of stemming need not be a lexical entry (valid word). Stemmers, e.g. the Porter Stemmer apply heuristics for word-suffixes and strip-off found suffixes from the word. E.g. in the word engineer a stemmer finds er as a frequnet suffix. It strips-off this suffix and outputs the found stem engin.

for word in myBlob3.words:
    print(word, word.stem())
The the
engineer engin
went went
into into
the the
garden garden
and and
found found
the the
cats cat
lying lie
beneath beneath
the the
trees tree Word correction

Word correction can also be considered as type of normalization. It maps misspelled words to likely correct form.

w=TextBlob("sentense is not tru")
TextBlob("sentence is not true")

2.2.6. TextBlob-DE for German Language

#!pip install textblob-de
import textblob_de
myBlob4=textblob_de.TextBlobDE(u"Das Haus steht im Tal auf der anderen Seite des Berges. Es gehört Dr. med. Brinkmann und wird von der Immo GmbH verwaltet. Im Haus befindet sich u.a. eine Physio-Praxis.") Sentences and Words

for s in myBlob4.sentences:
Das Haus steht im Tal auf der anderen Seite des Berges.
Es gehört Dr. med. Brinkmann und wird von der Immo GmbH verwaltet.
Im Haus befindet sich u.a. eine Physio-Praxis.
WordList(['Es', 'gehört', 'Dr', 'med', 'Brinkmann', 'und', 'wird', 'von', 'der', 'Immo', 'GmbH', 'verwaltet'])
WordList(['Dr. med. Brinkmann', 'Immo GmbH']) Part-of-Speech Tagging

myBlob5=textblob_de.TextBlobDE("Er ist mit seinen Katzen über drei Tische gesprungen")
for word,tag in myBlob5.tags:
    print(word, tag)
ist VBN
mit IN
seinen PRP$
Katzen NNS
über IN
drei CD
Tische JJ
gesprungen VBN Lemmatization

for word in myBlob5.words.lemmatize():